Here's another thing I just about concluded (what a time drain) perhaps this 40 character "limitation" only applies to actual code objects.i.e. Class Types
As I mentioned above, the help doc section "Naming the DataWindow Object" it says "The DataWindow Object name can be any valid PowerBuilder Identifier up to 255 contiguous characters"
The 40 char limitation only applies to "variables, labels, windows, controls, menus and anything else you refer in scripts" Not DataWindow Object names. They are never referred to in scripts
I'm arriving at the conclusion that all the hullabaloo doesn't apply to datawindow object names to begin with, It's not an identifier. Yes, it's the name of a packed definition string in a PBD - but it's not a powerscript object type - It's just a value assigned to a string type a property named dataobject.
Chris, What does the Appeon Doc says about DataWindow Object names?