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Re: How convert following query to more then one parent / range of parent




Try this:


/* SELECT FROM [dbo].[OITT] T0 */

Declare @BOM nvarchar(max)

/* WHERE */

Set @BOM=/* T0.Code */ '[%0]'


/* SELECT FROM [dbo].[OITT] TA */

Declare @BOM1 nvarchar(max)

/* WHERE */

Set @BOM1=/* TA.Code */ '[%1]'


select B.Assembly [Product No.],B.Component,(select ItemName from OITM where ItemCode=B.Component)[Component Name],B.[BOM Quantity],

B.[BOM warehouse],

(Select sum (OnHand) from OITW where ItemCode=B.Component and WhsCode=B.[BOM warehouse])[Current Stock in BOM warehouse]

from (select A.Assembly,CASE when  isnull(A.Component6,'')=''  then

       (case when  isnull(A.Component5,'')='' then

        (case  when isnull(A.Component4,'')='' then

        (case  when isnull(A.Component3,'')='' then

        (case  when isnull(A.Component2,'')='' then

        A.Component1 else A.Component2 end)else A.Component3 end)

        else A.Component4 end) else  A.Component5  end ) else A.Component6 end Component

        ,CASE when  isnull(A.Qty6,0)=0  then

       (case when  isnull(A.Qty5,0)=0 then

        (case  when isnull(A.Qty4,0)=0 then

        (case  when isnull(A.Qty3,0)=0 then

        (case  when isnull(A.Qty2,0)=0 then

        A.Qty1 else A.Qty2 end)else A.Qty3 end)

        else A.Qty4 end) else  A.Qty5  end ) else A.Qty6 end [BOM Quantity]

         ,CASE when  isnull(A.whs6,'')=''  then

       (case when  isnull(A.whs5,'')='' then

        (case  when isnull(A.whs4,'')='' then

        (case  when isnull(A.whs3,'')='' then

        (case  when isnull(A.whs2,'')='' then

        A.whs1 else A.whs2 end)else A.whs3 end)

        else A.whs4 end) else  A.whs5  end ) else A.whs6 end [BOM warehouse]


        from (SELECT T0.[Father] as 'Assembly',T0.[code] as 'Component1', T0.Quantity as 'Qty1', T0.warehouse as 'whs1',

t10.[ItemName] 'Description1',T1.[Code] as 'Component2', T1.Quantity as 'Qty2', T1.warehouse as 'whs2',

t11.[ItemName] 'Description2', T2.[Code] as 'Component3', T2.Quantity as 'Qty3', T2.warehouse as 'whs3',

t12.[ItemName] 'Description3', T3.[Code] as 'Component4', T3.Quantity as 'Qty4', T3.warehouse as 'whs4',

t13.[ItemName] 'Description4',T4.[Code] as 'Component5', T4.Quantity as 'Qty5', T4.warehouse as 'whs5',

t14.[ItemName] 'Description5', T5.[Code] as 'Component6', T5.Quantity as 'Qty6', T5.warehouse as 'whs6',

t15.[ItemName] 'Description6' FROM ITT1 T0 LEFT OUTER JOIN

ITT1 T1 on T0.Code = T1.Father LEFT OUTER JOIN ITT1 T2 on

T2.Father =T1.Code  LEFT OUTER JOIN ITT1 T3 on T2.Code = T3.Father


ITT1 T5 on T4.Code = T5.Father LEFT OUTER JOIN ITT1 T6 on

T5.Code = T6.Father left outer join oitm t20 on t0.father = t20.itemcode

left outer join oitm t10 on t0.code = t10.itemcode left outer join oitm t11

on t1.code = t11.itemcode left outer join oitm t12 on t2.code = t12.itemcode

left outer join oitm t13 on t3.code = t13.itemcode left outer join

oitm t14 on t4.code = t14.itemcode left outer join oitm t15 on t5.code = t15.itemcode

where T0.Father between @BOM and @BOM1)A)B



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