Please go through SAP Note 2161117 - Oracle: Add. Information - Software Update Manager 1.0 SP15
----------------------< I045731 MAY/14/2010 >-----------------------
Before you start the EHP Installation please check your Oracle JDBC driver.
The Software Update Manager takes the JDBC driver from the location specified in entry "rdbms.driverLocation" within file "/usr/sap/<SID>/<INSTANCE<nr>/j2ee/cluster/bootstrap/". The driver specified in that entry is then copied to directory "SUM/java/lib" during the prepare process in the phase "READ_DB_DRIVER_LOCATION".
Later on, during the phases: "DETERMINE_JAVA_PORTS" or "GET_DMT_DB_INF", you may encounter the following errors in case of an outdated JDBC driver specified in the above mentioned file:
====== error fragment 1 =====
Could not set up a database connection. See previous messages.
Could not establish open SQL connection. Exception JDBC driver not supported for ORACLE database.
====== error fragment 1=====
====== error fragment 2=====
Error while connecting to DB. JDBC driver not supported for ORACLE database. JDBC driver not supported for ORACLE database.
====== error fragment 2=====
The solution for this problem is to change/update the JDBC driver used by the j2ee engine.
Detailed instructions can found in SAP Note 867976.