Dear experts,
We have a custom central UI5 library to host common functions and this has been loading fine as 'resources' for existing apps(without manifest.json).
Now I have created a new project from template in WebIDE(with manifest.json) and have mentioned library name in libs section.
"libs": { "sap.ui.core": {}, "sap.m": {}, "sap.ui.layout": {}, "custom.lib.central": {} }
When testing the project in local sandbox, libraries are not loaded and are giving error - failed to load 'custom/lib/central/library.js' from ../resources/i2d/custom/lib/central/library.js: 404 - Not Found.
I have tried adding path in neo-app.json but it doesn't help.
{ "path": "/resources", "target": { "type": "application", "name": "customlibcentral", "preferLocal": true }, "description": "SAPUI5 Resources" },
Any ideas?
Best Regards - Anuraag